April 28, 2011

Garden Fridays: April 29

The seedlings took about 3 weeks to look sturdy enough to mess with (e.g. before I decided to split them into their own containers). So far, so good. We left for Ireland this past week and came back to some very well established and healthy plants. The outside spring garden is thriving and growing. We’re enjoying lettuce (seriously, this lettuce might last until fall), radishes, chard, cilantro, thyme, and mint. Strawberries have set fruit and cauliflower is growing. All that work is paying off in providing some delicious homegrown veggies.

first garden goods
Siberian Tomatoes, compact and bushy even as seedlings


All the seeds ready to move on to their new pots

Basil looks happy

After 10 days the newly planted seedlings are looking happy in their new homes and the outside garden has filled out.

Lettuce mix and red cabbage


broccoli, snow peas, radishes, broccoli and spring onions
The narrow raised bed filling in

New seedlings getting settled:

Plants became Mr. Duds’ lunch

1 comment:

  1. Yummy! You clearly have a green thumb. Those plants are thriving.

